The guys over at Gamify, Inc. filed an application to trademark the word "Gamify" in the way we all know and use it today. We couldn't sit on the sidelines and let one individual or company own an idea that is so important to us and everyone else involved in gamifying online experiences.

Here's a link to the actual application:
In that light, the EVO Media Group has decided to step-up and ask Gamify, Inc. in a formal letter to abandon this attempt to own an idea that has clearly been developed by a whole community of people, like us, that are working hard to make the internet a fun, engaging and useful place for everyone. We’ve already talked to a number of other companies in the gamification space, and they have said that they will support our cause should this turn into a larger legal matter.
We have been working very hard in the gamification space and so have others …Bunchball, Big Door, etc… This word should be kept free to define our industry.